Subliminal Pocket Variety Cards Pack

Awaken the Awesome Power of your Subconscious with these Water Resistant Pocket Size Cards, wherever you are......



Thirteen Powerful Self-Empowerment Carry Cards to help you harness the Power of Your Inner Mind, for Daily Living

These powerful cards are Intuitive, Daily Subliminal messages sent DIRECTLY to the subconscious mind, your inner seat of potentials and Lifestyle freedom, as you train and master your invisible power.

Use these cards for yourself and also as gifts to friends, family and colleagues.

You have the Power, to change Circumstances and Conditions in Your Life, when you have Self Mastery of your inner Higher Power to Lifestyle Freedom  

The Power of Belief

Power of Belief - Ref: SM-1020

Build Inner Confidence, wherever you are

Power of Confidence - Ref: SM-1021


Cultivate Happiness, from deep within, for Health and Vitality

Power of Happiness from within - Ref: SM-1023

Allow your subconscious to Build Inner Warmth and Feelings around your home

Power of Sweet Home Feelings - Ref: SM-1024


The Awesome Power of Inspiration, to your Higher Self and Potential

Power of Inspiration to your Higher Self - Ref: SM-1025

Love is one of the Greatest Gifts of Life. Building Love from within, Loving yourself and Overflowing to others, is a Powerful Transformation

Power of Pure Love - Ref: SM-1026

Schedule and Manage Your Time, by Calling on the Power of your Subconscious Daily

Power of Time Management - Ref: SM-1027

Internalising Peace of Mind Daily, Draws to you the Power of Peace, Tranquility, Health and Wellbeing

"Inner Peace will revitalise you daily and recharge you for the next day "

Power of Inner Peace - Ref: SM-1028

State Your Desire, While Slowly Building unwavering Belief, Act Upon it Daily, as guided by Your Intuitive Power. You will be amazed at the eventual Outcome.

Power of Desire - Ref: SM-1022


Perseverance, Guided by Your Inner Power, Amid Challenges, is the Fruit for Ongoing Success

Power of Perseverance - Ref: SM-1029

Setting Priorities in Life will help you Focus and Direct Your Subconscious to Your Planned Desires in Life

Power of Setting Priorities - Ref: SM-1030

The Power of Teamwork, Guided by Intuition is a Powerful Success Journey of Life

Power of TeamWork - Ref: SM-1031

Being Uplifted Daily, Gives you the Ongoing Inner Strength to Overcome Life's Challenges

Power of Being Uplifted Daily - Ref: SM-1032


Take Absolute Control of Situations Around You through the Application of Your Inner Power
Tap into your Inner Subconscious and Experience the Freedom that comes with Self Mastery, Slowly but Steadily Let your Inner Intuition guide you through Life in Health, Happiness and Peace of Mind
Drop by Drop, without strain or effort, this is oil to the soul while refreshing your inner self.
In time, you'll slowly begin to notice the difference, as you internalise these powerful messages daily, with absolute belief.
Carry your desired cards wherever you go, and reach out to them daily and whenever you need to...


You Can

Use these Cards for Yourself
Give as Gifts to Loved Ones or Relations
Give to Friends or Colleagues


YES! - Click on the Add to Cart Buttons above to Order Your Cards

Only $14.97
for a pack of 10 Pocket Sized Water Resistant Cards
Carry these anywhere and train your subconscious to direct you, Daily. You can also give out to friends and family to help Change their Lives.

These are Simple, Holistic, Subliminal Life Changing Remedies for Dealing with ongoing Challenges in our daily lives